Editorial policy

The aim of this website is to record interesting things about Marske and the surrounding area. The website material is drafted along the the following guidelines.
- The site is to be primarily factual. Articles in general will not express contentious opinions!
- The website will largely focus on things relevant to the areas of Marske, Skelton, Clints, Feldom and New Forest. Whilst this focus is very local the content will be drafted where possible to bring out more general interest.
- The material will be drafted in a manner that does not assume the reader has background knowledge of any topic.
- It is not the intention to include very long or academic articles, but instead refer interested parties to books, articles, and links which may provide more detailed accounts.
- It is intended to include references to supporting and source material. Where the source material is information from a conversation or private correspondence the author will keep a private note of the source.
- Quite a lot is known about the history of buildings and land in and around the village. The website will not publicise facts about private land and buildings without the owners consent, unless these facts are already openly in the public domain.
- If the website refers to features that are only accessible on private land it will make clear that those features can only be visited with the landowners permission.
- This website is not meant to be a travel guide offering advice on local walks, accomodation, pubs and restaurants. It is not the intention that the website should be used to advertise commercial businesses.
For information about the copyright of this website and use of images see here.

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- Rees, David Morgan. 2000. In the Palm of the Dale. a portrait in words and pictures of a Yorkshire Dales village.[↩]